Hello, My name is Aoife.

I am the owner, creator, decorator and general every job woman behind The Little Baker. My passion is baking & creating bespoke cakes for all of life’s celebrations. I have a BSC in Baking & Pastry Arts from DIT (now TUD) and worked in the baking industry for 10 years before opening up The Little Baker. My kitchen is HSE certified and located just outside Wicklow Town in Rathnew, Co Wicklow.

Anyone who knows me will know that baking isn't just a career choice or a skill I am qualified in, but my absolute love & passion. This is something, I believe, that makes my service extra special. My mother always tells me about how I would disappear into the kitchen as a child and happily, neatly and quietly bake away for hours. As a kid I was always called a flibbityjibbot, I found my calm in the kitchen and my love for baking became a part of who I am and not just what I can do. 

I apply this passion when dealing with customers and I love turning ideas into creations. I strongly believe that the cake must speak for itself and the design shouldn't eclipse it but go hand in hand. I take pride in my bakes tasting as good as they look and I will never sacrifice that.

Aoife makes fabulous cakes that taste as good as they look. The whole service from start to finish is excellent, Aoife is so lovely to deal with, she offers great customer service and is so genuinely friendly. The cakes are decorated to perfection and it is obvious that they have been baked with the highest quality ingredients as they taste amazing. Can’t recommend enough!
— Sharon, 2022

My Experience

I was late to the idea of becoming a Baker as I just presumed everyone could bake, try out multiple recipes successfully and enjoyed it as much as I did. A week before the CAO closure date my sister suggested the idea, I asked my Dad what he thought (Dad Knows Best!) and he said “it won't make you rich but if you love it then do it” so I did it and I can't imagine doing anything else. 

I studied Baking & Pastry Arts in TUD (DIT at the time) for 3 years. During this time I competed in the Coupe De Boulangerie (European baking championship) as the first ever all female team.The summer I finished college I started my first ever baker job in The Ritz Carlton Powerscourt as the junior night baker. The 3am start time took its toll and I soon moved on to my next Job at The Baking Academy Of Ireland. I was blessed with my boss Master Baker Derek O Brien (previous head of the bakery school in DIT) and I adored my job. I spent 10 years there as a bakery technician, course developer and teacher. After a sad goodbye I was tempted to go it alone but felt I needed more hands-on experience in the industry so I then started a stint in Avoca Handweavers. I finally took the plunge in February 2020 and started this journey as The Little Baker. I feel blessed to call it my own and will never take for granted the customers that keep me going year after year.


BSc Degree in Baking & Pastry Arts (DIT)

Professional Diploma in Sugar Flowers (PME)


HSE Licensed Kitchen

HACCP Food Safety Certification